Morning and evening mindfulness meditationThe disease of addiction requires a disciplined set of behaviors and attitudes to remain in remission. If you have completed a primary treatment course of treatment, then you know a few things already. Now it is the time to put those things you’ve learned into practice. Some of the advantages of sober living in early recovery at Providence Treatment are:
- Daily 12-Step meeting and fellowship
- Engaging in a professional monitoring program
- Accountability to house staff, work colleagues/supervisors, sponsor and family
- Taking time throughout the day for prayer and reflection
- Giving back – some volunteer opportunity, charitable donation, etc.
- A commitment at a home group
Research shows that an alcoholic and addict needs ninety (90) days of a structured and supportive environment to increase the odds for a sustainable recovery. Committing to a 90-day stay at Providence Treatment House can assist the resident with a sober and supportive community of men, including house staff, who will understand the experience of early recovery.