Addiction Blog

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Beginners Mind: Cultivating Healthy Attitudes in Sober Living

Beginners Mind, or (Shoshin, in Japanese) is a popular term in the Zen School of Buddhism. A beginners mind is considered an “open mind” or an ...
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Sober Living: Talking before we Walk

Today, I spoke with a patient who expressed his ambivalence about going to meetings. He said it feels like “the island of misfit toys.” He ...
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You Are Not Your Addiction and Your Addiction is Not You

Many people in early recovery have difficulty stating “I’m an alcoholic…I’m a drug addict.” They will feel strongly that identifying as an alcoholic or an ...
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Young man contemplates his addiction recovery

Carrying Past Is Dangerous Venture In Recovery

Carrying the past in our minds is a dangerous venture in recovery. Once there were two monks walking towards their monastery during a monsoon rainstorm. ...
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Providence Treatment Tour dining area

What are the Advantages of Sober Living in Early Recovery?

Morning and evening mindfulness meditationThe disease of addiction requires a disciplined set of behaviors and attitudes to remain in remission. If you have completed a ...
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Large older home

Executive Sober Living for Men in Philadelphia

Providence Treatment House is a 10-bed executive, Victorian styled home for men seeking both comfort and support during the early phase of their recovery. The ...
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