About Outpatient Drug Treatment Programs

outpatient drug treatment programs

When you decide you need help for your drug or alcohol addiction, you will probably begin searching for an appropriate treatment program. It is important to know the difference between the various options and to know what kind of program is right for you. As a busy professional, you may decide on one of the outpatient drug treatment programs that will enable you to work on your addiction while continuing to also meet your obligations as a physician or lawyer.

Benefits of Outpatient Drug Treatment Programs

Your time is valuable to you, your patients and clients, and to your family. When you know you need help with your drug addiction but cannot take the time to enter an inpatient program, an outpatient drug treatment program may be the right fit for you.

Often, the support of your family and friends can increase the chances of success in your recovery. Outpatient drug treatment programs give you the opportunity to remain in your own home while still benefiting from a structured therapeutic program. Outpatient drug treatment programs typically also include support groups that have been proven to facilitate long-term recovery.

When you participate in an inpatient program, you are not able to immediate apply the lessons you’ve learned to your “real” life of work and family. With outpatient drug treatment programs, you learn those lessons through counseling, therapy, and support and then return to your home and work life to continue applying what you’ve learned.


Continued exposure to family and friends may actually be one of the drawbacks of outpatient drug treatment programs for you. In an outpatient program, you are not provided with the safe environment you will find in an inpatient program, where you are isolated from the people and situations that might impact you in a negative way.

When you participate in an outpatient program, you have to provide your own motivation once you are in your own home, at social gatherings with friends, or at work with colleagues, to resist temptations and fight off cravings. You will need to take care not to return to old ways or to situations that may become triggers for you.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient drug treatment programs are well-suited for professionals who want discreet addiction care as well as convenience. When you participate in an outpatient program, you also participate in a normal schedule outside the program for work, school, and family obligations. Although less intense than inpatient care, outpatient programs also typically offer schedule flexibility that can help encourage the recovering addict continue to participate in the program.

Therapeutic modalities in outpatient rehab may include mindfulness training, acupuncture, EMDR, spiritual guidance, and others proven to help you in your recovery. It is recommended that you also participate in support group meetings as part of your outpatient drug treatment. Group and family counseling may also be major components of outpatient programs.

Outpatient drug treatment programs can focus on:

  • Helping you learn how to manage conflict
  • Giving you the tools you need to be able to avoid triggers
  • Refining and maintaining daily recovery practices
  • Helping you overcome social stigmas and reintegrate into your workplace
  • Teaching you healthy communication skills.

Intensive Outpatient Drug Treatment Program

When you need more focused treatment but still need a flexible schedule, an intensive outpatient drug treatment program may be more appropriate for you. Intensive programs typically run several hours a day, for several days a week. The program may entail group therapy, individual therapy, and medication management.

Intensive outpatient drug treatment programs offer evidence-based drug treatment while still giving you the flexibility you need in outpatient care. For business professionals, a program that runs 3-4 hours a day for 3-4 days a week may be ideal. Typically, intensive outpatient drug treatment programs are best suited for you if you:

  • Show that you have the discipline and self-control to live independently while in drug addiction treatment
  • Have an overwhelming schedule of work, family, and community responsibilities that will not allow you to participate in an inpatient program
  • Need intervention for your dependency or co-occurring disorders
  • Do not require or have successfully completed medical detox.

Providence Outpatient Programs

Outpatient treatment is an attractive, accommodating option for busy professionals and executives. At Providence Treatment, we help you overcome your addiction and help you reintegrate into your workplace successfully.

You don’t have to let drug addiction take over your life. You can overcome addiction with outpatient treatments at Providence Treatment. If you need help getting clean, then contact us at 484.469.9592, and you can begin your recovery as soon as possible.

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