There are two major strategies to lessen the probability of relapse. First, though it may sound common sensical, the addict needs to avoid being exposed to relapse-inducing situations. It could be as simple as taking a different route while driving to avoid a known pick up location, or a more challenging conversation with close friends and ex-drinking/using buddies.
In Larimer, Palmer and Marlatt’s article named, Relapse Prevention: An over view of Marlatt’s Cognitive-Behavioral Model, they speak about two types of relapse-inducing situations. One type is the immediate such as: high-risk situations, less participation in your recovery activities, etc., and the more covert type, which includes more lifestyle imbalance, emotional states, negativity, reactivity, etc.
When treating with a relapse prevention lens, a clinician needs to work on three major areas: mood stabilization, self-efficacy building and prosocial interrelations. Each of these areas when addressed in a non-judgemental, safe environment can be helpful to the addict. You also may want to include this model in any family involvement as well, since the family can become an immediate relapse-inducing situation.
At Providence Treatment in Philadelphia, PA, we offer drug and alcohol relapse prevention program as part of our clinical services, coupling with our day treatment which offers a sober living environment that promotes an excellent setting to learn and practice relapse prevention strategies.
If you, or a professional you love is seeking treatment for alcohol and/or drug addiction, please call us today at (215) 834-7979. Thank you.