Alcohol use disorder is a critical problem in the United States with thousands of people affected every year. Many people die from alcohol-related injuries, illness, and disease. In fact, alcoholism is one of the biggest causes of death in the country. It surpasses opioid-related deaths as well as deaths from motor vehicle crashes. Some people may want to quit drinking but are concerned about the alcohol withdrawal symptoms. If you are dealing with alcohol use disorder, then you will gain help from an alcohol addiction rehab in PA.

Why Does Alcohol Cause Withdrawal?

Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows down your central nervous system. However, drinking chronically and heavily tend to have an opposite reaction on the brain. Although the central nervous system may be depressed from the alcohol, the brain must continue working in order to stay alive. This causes your brain to go into overdrive.

Additionally, this tends to send mixed signals and reactions to the central nervous system when you attempt to quit drinking. When you take away the depressant, your brain is still in high gear but your body doesn’t need it to be anymore. This creates alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

What are Alcohol Withdrawal Signs?

The alcohol withdrawal signs you may experience once you stop drinking vary from person to person. Here are several of the potential symptoms you may notice:

  • Shaking or tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • An upset stomach that may lead to vomiting
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Nausea

Symptoms usually peak in about 24 to 48 hours and last several days before beginning to taper off. The severity of the symptoms will vary depending on how long the person has been drinking and how much they drank.

Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal

When deciding to quit drinking alcohol, it’s best to go to an alcohol rehab center. During your time at a rehab center, you will be safe from any of the adverse withdrawal effects. Medical professionals will help ease your symptoms through their treatments.

In addition, you will have participated in individual as well as group therapy sessions. You will learn about tools and strategies for staying successful in the future so that your recovery is successful. For example, some of the therapies that are helpful for those with alcohol use disorder include:

Hope for the Functioning Alcoholic

At Providence Treatment, our compassionate team will help lead you to a place of sobriety. Let us guide you to the pathway that brings health and wholeness to your life. Through evidence-based therapies administered in a state-approved facility, we can restore your life to balance without alcohol.

For example, our range of treatment programs can include:

Don’t let alcohol withdrawal symptoms stop you from living your life. You can overcome them if you get assistance from a quality rehab center. Contact us at [Direct], and we’ll get you on the road to recovery.

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